Thema | Art | BearbeiterIn | ↓ BetreuerIn | Stichworte | Antrittsvortrag | Abschlussvortrag (MA) |
Implementierung und Evaluation einer Web-App für Störungsmeldungen | BA | Christian Lisik | Raphael Wimmer | web development, interaction design, UR | 2020-03-25 | |
Implementation and Evaluation of a web-based Sketchable Interaction framework for file management | BA | Fabian Schebera | Raphael Wimmer | tldraw, web development, interaction techniques, sketchable interaction | 2024-07-29 | |
Development and Evaluation of an AI-powered Video Captioning and Transcription Web App | BA | Thi Ha My Pham | Thomas Schmidt | web development, video. transcription, aws, user interface design, subtitles, content creation, social media | 2024-05-06 | |