
Xu Hướng: An Analysis of Trending TikTok Videos in Vietnam

Xu Hướng: An Analysis of Trending TikTok Videos in Vietnam
Michael Achmann
Thuy-Linh Nguyen
Social Media, TikTok, Content Analysis


TikTok, orig. Douyin (chin. 抖音), has become one of the most used social media platforms in Vietnam since entering the Vietnamese market in 2019 (Statista, 2022). Although Vietnamese social media influencers share similar approaches on content production and audience engagement with influencers from countries in the Asia Pacific region the content production of Vietnamese influencers is limited due to the Vietnamese government tightening its grip on various social media platforms and implementing stricter regulations to control social media contents (Le & Hutchinson, 2022) (Lam, 2022).

As TikTok’s popularity is growing, researchers have become more interested in exploring various aspects of the platform's success and virality of TikTok Videos. However, little research has been conducted on TikTok Video Content in Vietnam. With the platform facing a possible ban in Vietnam due to “toxic content” and difficulty in regulating its content (Nguyen, 2023) this research topic is relevant and investigating this could give more insight on the interaction of trending Vietnamese TikTok videos and the social media regulations of the government.

Zielsetzung der Arbeit

This study aims to get more insight on viral TikTok trends and user engagement in Vietnam despite the content creators being restricted by the Vietnamese government and the factors that contribute to the virality of TikTok Videos in Vietnam. Aspects like content topics and editing are analyzed by employing a qualitative approach.

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Weiterführende Quellen

Lam, V. (2022). Information and Communications Technologies, Online Activism, and Implications for Vietnam’s Public Diplomacy. . Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 41(1), 3-33.

Le, V., & Hutchinson, J. (September 2022). Regulating social media and influencers. Policy & Internet, 14(3), S. 558-573.

Nguyen, P. (6. April 2023). Vietnam to probe TikTok over „toxic“ content. Von reuters:

Statista. (22. March 2022). Share of TikTok users among Generation Z in Vietnam from 1st quarter 2020 to 4th quarter 2022. Von Statista: